Campobasso is the capital of the Molise region and of the province of Campobasso and is divided into two sections. The old town is where the beautiful Castello Monforte can be found, the “new” town is outside of the walls in the lower fertile plain and dates back to the 16th century. It is located between the Sannio and Matese mountains and is filled with natural beauty and charm, and was once world-famous for its cutlery craftsmanship. Today you find many nice shops and restaurants in the town.
During the Second World War, Campobasso was occupied by Canadian forces for two year and for a time was nicknamed “Canada Town” or “Maple Leaf City”. Campobasso is about 30 km from Ripabottoni.

Archeological sites
Molise is rich in archeological evidence. Its many archeological ruins testify to a past which finds its roots in the Samnites and in the reign of ancient Rome.
Example such as those in Pietrabbondante and Sepino, the base of an archeological park complete with an ancient Roman theater which is still intact and surrounded by greenery, or those in Bojano, which rise up at the foot of the Biferno river and offer art lovers its beautiful churches, including the cathedral where the seven deadly sins are depicted, as well as the Sorgente di Pietre Cadute.
Medieval villages
There are several beautiful medieval villages nearby to visit and to explore their history and their typical charm and ambiance. I will be glad to help you with information and advice about the area.
Throughout the year you can enjoy many traditional festivals and events in Molise. Below I list some of the events that take place in the nearby villages. Of course there are a lot more to experience and explore and I will be glad to help you around with information of what to do and see during your stay.

St.Pardo is the most important festival of Larino and it takes place between 25th and 27th of May.St. Pardo is the patron saint of the town. More than 100 beautifully decorated carts pulled by oxen join in the three-day parade which reminds about the journey that was made to carry the relics of St.Pardo from Lucera to Larino in 842 A.D.
Festa di S.Antonio takes place in the village Lupara on the 22nd July. It is a festival to celebrate a good grain harvest and involves two ‘traglie’ being pulled through the streets adorned with wheat sheaves. The carriages are followed by women distributing bread and biscuits and 12 year old boys dressed in the clothes of adult farm workers carrying scythes etc.

The Palio delle Quercigliole takes place in Ripalimosano on the 12th August. The tradition springs from a legend that tells of a race run to celebrate the miraculous fall of snow in the height of summer, on 5 August, attributed to the Madonna of the Snow.
On 12 August the participants in the race gather at Cannavina, close to a wood; the jockeys ride bare-back and start off from the area known as “Colle Matteo”, about a kilometer and a half from the church which is the destination of the competition.
In this event we can feel all the faith and tension of mediaeval tournaments and the riders’ desire to excel and bring glory to their own districts.
Other traditional Festival and events
Ururi – San Legno of the Cross Festival with ox-cart race in May.
Campobasso – Sagra dei Misteri (Feast of Corpus Christi) in June.
Boiano – Feast of the mountain in September.
Guardalfiera – The Living Crib is celebrated on the feast days in the period from Christmas Eve to the Epiphany.